주어진 숫자를 채우십시오:

pq Formula (quadratic formula)
The pq-formula is the better option compared to the more common quadratic formula (or ABC formula). It is about solving quadratic equations.
To get the pq you have to go like this:
ax² + bx + c = 0 | : a
x² + b/a x + c/a = 0
x² + px + q = 0
Now you can use the much more practical pq-formula shown on the left of this website.
사용 방법
Enter values for p and q in both text fields.
The buttons on the left side show the possible symbols you can enter. Decimals and fractions are supported.
To calculate the result with your input press the green "="-button.
계산기는 무엇을 합니까?
결과가 표시되기까지 몇 초 정도 걸릴 수 있습니다.
- 값을 입력하십시오. 입력을 단순화합니다(분수를 입력한 경우)
- Shows every step to calculate the result.
- Shows the results for x1 and x2.
여기에 계산이 나타납니다!
비디오 소개
Susanne from MathemaTrick provides a comprehensive tutorial about solving quadratic equations and discussing all possible cases that could happen.
It is a German tutorial. If you do not understand the language, activate subtitles and set up translation in the video settings. It is worth it!
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